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R packages
- SpatialTools: Tools for spatial data analysis. Emphasis on kriging. Provides functions for prediction and simulation. Intended to be relatively straightforward, fast, and flexible.
- ExceedanceTools: Provides methods for constructing confidence or credible regions for exceedance sets and contour lines.
- smacpod: Statistical methods for analyzing case-control point data. Methods include the ratio of kernel densities, the difference in K Functions, the spatial scan statistic, and q nearest neighbors of cases.
- smerc: Implements statistical methods for analyzing the counts of areal data, with a focus on the detection of spatial clusters and clustering. The package has a heavy emphasis on spatial scan methods.
- gear: Implements common geostatistical methods in a clean, straightforward, efficient manner.
- autoimage: Functions for displaying multiple images or scatterplots with a color scale, i.e., heat maps, possibly with projected coordinates. The package relies on the base graphics system, so graphics are rendered rapidly.
- cope: Provides functions to compute and plot Coverage Probability Excursion (CoPE) sets for real valued functions on a 2-dimensional domain. CoPE sets are obtained from repeated noisy observations of the function on the entire domain. They are designed to bound the excursion set of the target function at a given level from above and below with a predefined probability. The target function can be a parameter in spatially-indexed linear regression. Support by NIH grant R01 CA157528 is gratefully acknowledged.
- api2lm: Simplifies aspects of linear regression analysis, particularly simultaneous inference. Additionally, supports “A Progressive Introduction to Linear Models” by Joshua French, which can be viewed at